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Why do the ladies on your site prefer foreign men?
Most ladies want to create prosperous and happy families and want stabile future for their children. Unfortunately the poor and suddenly changeable economic situation in Ukraine creates lack of good jobs, high prices and hard life in general. So women look for happiness abroad, and they bring happiness with themselves too.
Are all these women real? How can I make sure that they are real?
Yes, all women on our site are real! Of course you are informed that there are lots of the scam artists and virtual ladies in the Internet, but we never work with them. We provide only sincere, chosen ladies and professional services and all ladies of our site are actively looking for soul mates.
Are Ukrainian women’s personalities different from Western women’s?
Yes, they are a bit different. They don't differ so much that they don’t love shopping and chatting, but there are some features. The main difference is that they are much more patient and can tolerate things that Western women will never be able to bear. They are more considerate and dependable. They are partners, not competitors. Ukrainian women are well groomed, stylish, educated and intelligent but they pay less attention to sport, diets, etc. Nevertheless, they are rarely overweight - they still walk a lot because they don't have cars, and don't eat fast food. They do not have to make efforts to live healthy - it comes naturally. Read an article and watch the video here about the Ukrainian women's mentality in marriage and their attitude to men.
Can I build relationships with women younger then I am?
This is where Eastern European women differ from other European and American women too - the age of the partner they prefer. Family is very important to them. They typically marry men who are years older. They look for stability and someone who will be a good father and can support a family. Many ladies marry much older guys.
What do Ukrainian women think about the interracial marriages?
There is no prejudice towards such marriages. They don't condemn somebody else's marriage to a person of a different race. There are many foreign students of different races in Ukraine and many ladies get married with them and have children.
How can I contact your Agency?
Please visit Contacts page and choose the convenient way of contact.
How do I become a member of Ukrainian Fiancée Marriage Agency?
It’s very fast and easy to do. Please go to the page Login/Register Free and fill in the forms. After doing so you will be able to log in and use the services.
I forgot my login and password. How can I retrieve it?
After the registering procedure was complete, your login information has been sent to your e-mail address. Please check it.
I have forgotten my login and password totally and I can’t find it in my e-mail box!
Please go to the Contacts section and send us your e-mail address and the name you’ve used during registration. We will send you the login information again.
How can I delete my profile?
Please go to the Contacts section and send us the written request by email for your profile to be closed. It will be closed within 1 business day. You can also hide your profile and reactivate it later.
Where do I send and receive my e-mails?
Please log in to your profile and open the “Mailbox”. There you will see the “Inbox”, where you can read the incoming mail from ladies. And the “Compose Mail” option, which opens the window where you can write your message to a lady.
How to contact women from your site?
The first step is writing her a letter. You can read complete information about this issue on a special page How to contact a Lady.
I want to write to a lady. How do I know that the girl is still available?
All ladies in the Gallery are available and active. If some lady already has her special man and corresponds with him only, we put a status “Engaged” on her main picture. It means she is waiting for the documents and details to get married and move with some man. If a lady doesn’t have such a mark, you can freely start corresponding with her.
When will I see the e-mail Credits in my profile?
It takes one business day to check the payment and upgrade your profile with Credit(s). If your payment by credit card was declined for some reason, we will notify you and another transaction attempt will be needed.
Do you allow direct contact information’s exchange in the letters? Rule Update from 04 April 2016: Do you allow direct contact information’s exchange in the letters?
Rule update from 04 April 2016:
"You can exchange the contact information with a lady only at the personal meeting or the Skype conference via UFMA."
We have this new rule because very many men create profiles and send out mass letters only to get the private info of the ladies and get them talking out of the agency, as they know that women are checked and screened here.
We here invest LOTS of our time, nerves and money to find the serious ladies for UFMA, rent photo studio, hire a photographer, make interviews and good photosessions, etc. This is not an easy work and if someone wishes to get free contacts of the ladies, they are welcome to do this on the free websites with non checked profiles, where they take any ladies from the internet.
UFMA is the place only for serious and family oriented people. And if you wish to get a good woman from Ukraine for life, please come here and we will help you like we helped many men before you.
We are 100% open with you. And hope you will also be and won't be breaking this rule. This is better for your results as the contacts exchange itself is not what you need, but it's a good woman for your life.
Thank you for understanding.
What if I include my personal contact information in my letter before I get the lady’s contacts?
We regret, but we will delete that information from your letter, but for all that the remaining text will stay intact.
What if a woman, who I wrote a letter to, doesn't want to have correspondence with me? Do I lose a credit?
Only in our Agency you have a wonderful opportunity to try contact any lady without any risk to loose a credit. If for some reason lady declines your first letter, you will get your credit back and can try again with some other. You will never use your credit in vain!
How do the ladies get the mail from me? Does a representative phone them, mail a copy or how?
Our office manager constantly checks the coming of new letters and as soon as some lady has a new letter, the office manager calls her on the phone and notifies about the new mail. A lady needs to come to the Agency to collect the printed out translation. If some lady has such wish, we can forward it to her e-mail.
How quickly do emails go to ladies and how quickly do most girls give responses?
It can vary, but usually it only takes one day for you to get a response. The ladies are highly interested in correspondence and they always find time to reply.
Am I charged for opening a letter from a lady?
You are not charged for that. If it is a reply to your letter, opening is included into a Credit. If it’s the first lady’s letter to you, it’s also free to read.
I would like to know if there is a limit of characters allowed while emailing a lady?
There is a limit of 5000 characters per one letter. It’s more then 1,5 completely filled out A4 pages.
I am not a great letter writer; will I have trouble writing to a lot of women?
Writing letters is not difficult. Just relax and write about what you like in life and ask questions to the lady concerning her life and plans for the future etc. You will like the correspondence process, it’s really exciting.
What if the lady I like does not speak English well?
Our translators will help her with everything until she learns enough English to communicate with you directly. To help her, we provide good English classes you can order via the site.
Are your services free?
Our services are free for women but are paid for men, as salaries in Ukraine are much lower then in USA or Europe.
Your services are quite costly! Why 6 USD per e-mail?
We provide professional services and our prices are competitive, if you check other sites you’ll see that our services are up to price standard and the main service – correspondence – is much cheaper then at other agencies of such kind.
What are the ways I can pay by?
The most convenient way is via credit card right from your home or office. We accept credit cards of all major issuers. Also we offer various convenient ways of payment, which you are able to use at any place in the world. Please visit the page Other ways of payment.
Can I mail the office a check to pay for this service?
The bank system of Ukraine works with checks very slowly nowadays. It takes up to one month to confirm and cash a check. That’s why we don’t accept them.
You have very nice pictures of the bouquets and presents. Are they delivered as they are shown on picture?
We cooperate with professional florists and best gift shops in the city. They will really make a wonderful gift which will stay in memory for a long time. By your wish, we can take a picture of lady receiving gift (free of charge) and you make sure.
Can I order delivery of a gift that is not listed?
Yes, it’s possible. If you don’t find a suitable gift in our Shop, you can order any gift by the “Special Order” service. We will provide you with the details and the price of a special gift.
What are the rules on changes and cancellations - our returns and refund policy?
Any gift or service, ordered with the help of credit card can not be cancelled and the funds are not refundable. You can change the service to another one anytime by your written request via email.
Do I have to go to Ukraine to meet a woman?
It is necessary to come to Ukraine first. The citizens of many foreign countries don’t have to obtain a visa to enter Ukraine, but a lady won’t be able to obtain a visa if you haven’t visited her. The initial meeting takes place at the office of our Agency, with the help of our translators and managers.
Which tours does your agency offer to meet the women?
We offer various Romantic Tours, which you can see on the page Tours to Ladies.
Can a woman visit me first?
If you have not met in person before, it will be impossible for her to get the only type of visa she should use for coming to you - the Fiancée visa.
Do I need a visa to travel to Ukraine?
According to the recent laws, the citizens of the following countries don’t need a visa to travel to Ukraine: USA, Canada, European Union countries, Luxembourg. The permission to enter Ukraine is given for 90 days. It’s long enough for any tour to meet your lady(s).
Do I have to take care of my transportation to Ukraine or is it included into package?
Yes, transportation is on your responsibility. We don’t include it into the package, because clients come from all over the world and the standards of transportation they prefer, may also vary too much.
If I come to Ukraine on my own, I have already been here and need no tour package, how can I do it?
We offer a special service for this case – Introduction. But please note that this service includes only meeting with a lady(s) and you will have to pay for translation additionally.
What do you I need to take with me when I travel to Ukraine?
We have prepared the important list of things you need to take to Ukraine, so you will avoid any problems here. Please see it here.
Can you tell me how many men she corresponds with?
We don’t disclose such information. Either about men, or women. This is private. If a lady is on the site, she is really looking for a husband. If you see the sign “Engaged” across her photo, it means that she corresponds with her fiancé only and is waiting for marriage. If lady has no sign, she is free and open for building relationships.
What about the privacy of my messages? The translators can read them and I don’t feel convenient.
Your letters are read by translators only, they are professionals and used to correspondence of such kind. They sign a contract with a point of non disclosure of private information.
Will my lady be able to find out that I correspond with somebody else?
Your mailbox has no access of anybody except you. Correspondence and your meetings are confidential and lady is not notified about them.
When I come for a tour, will my personal information (passport copy, ID, etc.) be disclosed to any persons or authorities?
It is kept in our safe. Not disclosed to anybody.
Can a lady ask me for money (scam me)?
In UFMA there is no way for a woman to scam you. Our system has no way for a man to send money to a girl. Ladies know that and will never ask you for money for any needs. Moreover they have no way to get money from you via the Agency. Read more about UFMA scam free practice
How can I be sure that the ladies are real?
UFMA staff accepts all new ladies in the office only, never online. We ask them to bring the documents, which we copy and save, until a lady leaves us. We have limited amount of ladies, not so many, it’s easier to work with them and fulfill their needs.
Also if you are a member of UFMA, and still hesitate if some lady is real, you can order one of the services, which will let you see and hear your lady: “Phone conversation” and “Internet Video conversation.”
Do you interview women that are advertised on your site? What background checks to you do and what sort of ID do you check?
We always check the passport of a Ukrainian citizen. There we can check: first name, last name, middle name, date of birth, place of registration. We do not do background checks, we are not a detective agency, we are a marriage agency. We offer services on e-mail forwarding, translation, gift delivery. We confirm that the ladies that are on our site are not married – this information is in a passport.
Also we perform an interview with a lady to find out if her intentions are sincere and if she is for future relations, but not for money. Our Agency has only sincere ladies.
Why are so many young nice girls writing to me first?
The age difference is not a barrier for Ukrainian girls. They asked us to send you a letter because they find you a good possible couple and wish to start relationships with you.
Is it OK to send money to the women I correspond with?
No, we don’t let our ladies to ask for money and we don’t proceed any payments as we fight with scam.
Do the ladies get any money for being a member or corresponding or for meetings with men?
No, we don’t pay any money to the ladies. All our services are free for them and they are looking for husbands but not for money.
What is PhotoManager used for?
It is used for the comfortable exchange of photos between you and the ladies you like.
How do I send a photo to a lady?
You need to open your PhotoManager and click “Your Photos”. Here you can upload the photos up to 1MB large each and JPG format. To send a photo to a lady, click the icon “Send to Lady” on top of each photo and choose lady recipient. Or choose several photos by ticking them and click “Send all selected photos” button.
Can the ladies send photos to me via PhotoManager?
Yes, they bring them to UFMA and we scan and send them to your profile. To see the new photos, please click on “Incoming Photos” in your PhotoManager. To view photos in full size you need to accept them.
How do I see the photos I accepted?
Open “Ladies’ Photos” area in your PhotoManager and see the accepted photos. You can download photos to your computer from here.
Why do I need to pay for the Photo Credits? Why isn’t this a free service?
We had the photo exchange service absolutely free for a very long time, but as we are getting lots of photos to be sent each way every day, we can’t process them for free any more. For the photo credits we offer the fast delivery of photos and printing them for the ladies, also we scan their photos to be sent to you.
How do you deduct photo credits?
You use one credit for accepting each lady’s photo and sending each photo of yours to a lady. Uploading your photos is free! We hope you will enjoy using PhotoManager!
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